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Executive and Leadership Coaching services include personality and leadership style assessments; a focus on values based goal setting; and the option of individual or small group participation applying an action based, experiential coaching model.
Executive and leadership coaching is purposeful and time-based, to provide each client with successful momentum toward reaching their professional goals. Coaching topics may include enhanced business communication, conflict management strategies, building and managing effective teams, and creating career progression road maps.

Education and coaching training include a Masters from the University of San Francisco in Organization Development and Human Resources as well as intensive training at the American Cancer Society as a member of the National Coaching Cadre.
CONTACT us for more information on Executive and Leadership Coaching.

Leadership involves vision, passion, purpose, drive, communication, energy, and faith.  It involves humility and empathy to engage others to follow with continued commitment.

Leadership skills can be explored, taught, honed, and passed down.  There are some individuals who seem to jump into the fire quickly when there’s a problem to be solved, a situation to be handled, an urgent matter to be addressed.  This ability to problem solve and take action, while contributing to leadership savvy does NOT define the full scope of what Leadership entails.

